pp108 : Properties of the Method Element

Properties of the Method Element

This topic describes the properties of the method element in the XML structure of a WS-AppServer model.

A method represents the operation that the class will perform. To create a BusObject, define values for the properties described in the following table.




This attribute determines whether the method is part of the interface or not. The acceptable values are:

  • true
  • false


This attribute determines whether the method is a static or an instance method. The acceptable values are:

  • true
  • false


This attribute determines the SOAP response for the method. The acceptable values are:

  • tupleset: The method returns a set of tuples in the response. This is the default option.
  • notuple: The method does not return tuples in the response. However, it returns a single object in the response if the return type is BusObject, and returns multiple objects if the return type is BusObject Array.
  • default: The method returns a set of tuples in the response.


Determines the number of records that will be retrieved when a get method is executed. The acceptable values are:

  • false: This is the default value, which facilitates a default retrieval of a maximum of 5000 records. When the cursor value is false, you cannot specify cursor in the corresponding SOAP request.
  • true: Retrieves a specific set of records (greater than or lesser than the default number). When the cursor value is true , you can specify cursor in the corresponding SOAP request to retrieve the required number of records.


This attribute determines the way the method is implemented. The acceptable values are:

  • default:GetByAttributes: The implementation of the method executes an SQL statement to the database to retrieve an object identified by a unique identifier (primary key).
  • default:GetByAttributesRange: The implementation of the method executes an SQL statement to the database to retrieve an object identified by a lower bound value and an upper bound value of the unique identifier.
  • signature: A method header is generated based on the method definition and the method signature is generated in the extension class.
  • default:GetPreviousByAttributes: The implementation of the method executes an SQL statement to the database to retrieve a previous object identified by a unique identifier.
  • default:GetNextByAttributes: The implementation of the method executes an SQL statement to the database to retrieve the next object in sequence identified by a unique identifier.


This attribute determines the mode of transaction for the method. The acceptable values are:

  • automatic: WS-AppServer controls the activity of starting and committing the transaction.
  • none: The application controls the activity of starting and committing the transaction.
    When this attribute is left blank (default), WS-AppServer controls the transaction.


The name of the method.


The return type of the related object. If the return type is to be made void, the return tag should not be specified.


Placeholder to list all parameters for the method.

Related tasks

Viewing and Editing the XML Structure of a WS-AppServer Model

Related reference

Properties of the Attribute Element
Properties of the Class Element
Properties of the Parameter Element
Properties of the Relation Attribute
Properties of the Type Element
Method Properties Interface